Dr. Joe Perez
Senior Systems Analyst, Certified IT & BA Professional, Conference Speaker

During his 10-year teaching career, Joe furthered his graduate education, earning a doctorate degree. His career focus changed to IT in 1992 when he became a Computer Consultant. Three promotions later, Dr. Perez ended his successful 25-year career at NC State as Business Intelligence Specialist when he took another promotion to become Senior Systems Analyst/Team Lead at the NC Department of Health & Human Services in 2017. With more than 5000 followers on LinkedIn and several professional certifications, Perez has stayed active in the IT community as a highly-recommended speaker, data analytics/visualization expert, and specialist in efficiency and process improvement.

Workshop Title: Cultivating a Climate for Paradigm Shift: Catalyst or Antagonist?

Renaissance philosopher and writer Machiavelli once said, “I'm not interested in preserving the status quo; I want to overthrow it.” How can you follow this advice and avoid stagnation without sacrificing quality and security in the process? Learn the three key words needed to strike this delicate balance in this challenge for you to shift your paradigm and be a catalyst for change rather than an antagonist.