Lee Duncan
Enterprise Design Sprint Leader at IBM

Lee Duncan is an Enterprise Design Sprint Leader at IBM.  Over his 20 year career he's helped support an experimental Model Office at IBM that reimagined default ways of working.  Lee has also designed solutions in Security, Acquisitions, Analytics and Blockchain—providing an enduring impact to company success. 


Lee's most recent work has helped launch an Enterprise Design Sprint practice within Design to Deliver (D2D), an IBM internal design agency focused on transformation.  He's also very active with virtual design sprints and experiments that push the limits of rapid innovation.


In his spare time he enjoys reading about all things design, creating microbes for sustainable lawns, self experimenting with anti-aging, and listening to audio-books at 1.5X. 


He believes humor, kindness and innovation can change the world.

Workshop Title: Creating #Goodtech Circularity Through Enterprise Design Sprints

This session will discuss the opportunities to design for societal impact within the circular economy. Enterprise Design Sprints have proven to be an effective alignment tool for design thinking practices.  We will explore an array of methods to run Design Sprints within an Enterprise.